Relevant blood sugar chart for diabetics

This information has been known for decades.

The problem is really political. Doctors wouldn’t dare offend Big Food by suggesting that carbs are responsible for our obesity and Type 2 diabetes epidemics.

Example: Why is it that the American Diabetes Assn. continues to recommend a diet of 50-60% carbs (the old Food Pyramid advice) for diabetics and non diabetics alike?

You need only look at their annual report to see the large contributions made by food and beverage corporations.


bread is carbs

This is whywe continue to be told that eat less and exercise more is the ideal way to lose weight. Of course this advice doesn’t work, but the industries that are really responsible for obesity get off the hook — and the blame is placed on the patient for being lazy and gluttonous.

Here is an accurate blood sugar chart I am referring to.

If you want to see how Big Food engineers its products to create craving and cause overeating, read the new book, Salt, Sugar and Fat by Michael Moss. It is a chilling account. Meanwhile, obesity is now an official “disease” subject to remimbursable drug treatment and surgery.

And Big Medicine is content with the status quo because obesity-linked diseases are good for business. Given the financial clout of Big Food and Big Medicine, this situation isn’t likely to change very soon.

This is not new news.

I’ve read this in recent years in other publications and I’ve KNOWN it for decades: I eat white flour and/or sugar in the morning and I’m hungry all day. It’s been a well-proven experiment with me…my cravings are quite dramatic following any morning that might include a bagel, a cinnamon roll or pancakes with syrup. Good luck to all the people out there struggling with your weight – don’t give up!

1. The title is unfortunate, as many readers jumped to the conclusion that the study supports low carb diets. It does not.

2.Low glycemic index does not mean low carb. GI refers to the blood glucose reaction after eating a 50 gram carb portion of a food. High glycemic index carbs tend to cause an early glucose spike, followed by a surge of insulin, then a glucose drop. In a person with insulin resistance, this reaction can be more pronounced. Low glycemic index foods tend to produce a lower and more drawn out glucose response.

3. Simple vs complex carbohydrates has nothing to do with glycemic index – simple carbs includes sugars, milk, and fruits; while complex carbs includes many vegetables, legumes, starches. There are low and high glycemic index carbs in both groups.

4. Whole wheat flour, and its products (crackers, cookies, cold cereal, pretzels, etc) are , like white flour products, high glycemic index foods. The finely ground starch is easily digested and absorbed into the blood. A less processed version, like wheat berries or bulgar wheat, or a bread made from sprouted wheat, would have a lower glycemic index. Usually, the less processed version of foods will have a lower GI, although there are exceptions.

5. Low glycemic foods include most fruits and vegetables, yogurt, legumes, barley, and chocolate.

And yes, a Mediterranean diet, which has the most research to support its health benefits , tends to be low glycemic index and delicious.

“1. The title is unfortunate, as many readers jumped to the conclusion that the study supports low carb diets. ”

The title does not claim anything but the fact that carbs may trigger cravings. So I guess I´m not one of those many readers that “jumped to conclusions”.

This research needed to be done, I guess, but it’s about a half-century too late. Back in the 50’s, a British physician published “Eat Fat and Grow Thin”. A decade later, the Atkins diet debuted to a storm of derision. Despite the bad results, establishment nutritionists and cardiologists continued a propaganda storm that made fat “bad “and carbs “good”. Americans ate less fat and more carbs and, guess what? An epidemic of obesity!

More recently, a nutrition scientist at Stanford decided to actually look at whether low-fat diets work.

He mounted a large controlled trial that most subjects completed. Though a lifelong vegetarian, he was dismayed to find that the Atkins diet was better than Ornish, Zone, or the normal physician-prescribed (low fat) alternative. The only diet that separated from the others was Atkins, and all the parameters he studied were better for Atkins including lipid profiles! You can check it out here:

My own experience with lifelong struggles against carb addiction came to a head when I hit 60 and was a metabolic train-wreck despite a habit of regular exercise. My family doctor suggested I go Paleo. By restricting carbs, I’ve lost forty pounds in the past year and drastically improved my sugar, blood-pressure, and lipid readings.

I hope we don’t have to continue the madness for another generation or two!

Maybe the article doesn’t deal with the frequency of eating junk at a fast food restaurant. Corporate foods are killing people but we need another study. People wonder why someone like Bloomberg try’s to ban certain foods from the unknowing public. The health care costs are all of our responsibility s and someone has to try.

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